Vinyl Fence Installation Starts With Sinking Posts And Then Building The Panels

17 May 2022
 Categories: , Blog


Vinyl fencing is an attractive option when you want a privacy fence for your backyard. Plus, vinyl is easy to care for and keep attractive. The fencing comes in more colors than just white. Some vinyl fencing is even colored and textured to look like different types of wood.

You may wonder what's involved with vinyl fencing installation. Like most types of fencing, you probably want a contractor to put your fence up since it's difficult to install a new fence if you don't have experience. Plus, you want your fence to look attractive on both sides. Here are some points to know about vinyl fencing installation.

The Posts Come First

The posts are always an important part of installing a fence. The posts hold the panels securely in place and help the fence stay strong during strong winds, when pets and kids jump against the fence, and when snow piles up. Your contractor will probably set the posts in concrete.

Installing the posts involves determining the line for the fence and then making sure the line is straight. The contractor may use machinery to dig the post holes and then put gravel in the hole for drainage. A pole is placed in the hole and then the hole is filled with cement. This is repeated for the number of posts you need.

Vinyl fence panels come in different widths, and that along with the length of your fence determines how many posts your fence will need. Setting the posts may be the only work done the first day so the cement can harden before the panels are attached.

An important point about vinyl fencing installation is that the posts need to be sunk to the right depth. Unlike wood fencing where the contractor nails the bottom rail in place, the bottom rail slides into holes in the bottom of the vinyl posts. The bottom rail needs to be several inches from the ground, so the posts have to be sunk to a depth that keeps the holes above the ground at the proper height.

The Rails And Pickets Create The Panels

The bottom rail of the vinyl fence is put in first, and then the pickets are set in the rail. For a privacy fence, the pickets butt up against each other. Then, the top rail can be put on to hold the pickets in place. The top rail slides into holes at the top of the post, so the entire panel fits together like a puzzle.

It may be necessary for the contractor to trim pickets and rails to fit the space created by one or two posts because of the length of your fence. This can be done with a saw so the contractor can create a new fence of any length you need.

Contact a company like Gebby's Fence to learn more.